
Lessons Learned From the Tonga Event

The attached site provides information on the response by various local agencies to the tsunami warning. Without being critical of anyone this information demonstrates the need to regularly check your emergency procedures to see what works and what doesn’t. My appreciation to those who shared their information,

https://www.govtech.com/em/safety/officials-look-for-lessons-from-west-coast-tsunami-advisory?utm_campaign=Newsletter - GT - Emergency Management&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=201219106&_hsenc=p2ANqtz–gFxhwhlgG32ejADpNL3LvEbaU7k1Aqx8jmMihJTGIiDiAugnw9c8Hgps-9Q1ILz-5a-fOzgKt5rMwv9F-u3CTVQhBzw&utm_content=201219106&utm_source=hs_email

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